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Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators’
Mechanism of Action1-7,9-18

E3 video

The Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS)
During Normal Protein Homeostasis14,19

The UPS tags target proteins with ubiquitin, marking
them for degradation by the proteasome*

*Light blue Y-shape: DDB1 (DNA damage binding protein 1); navy blue hammer shape:
CUL4A; note that components are not to scale.

Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators Degrade
Target Proteins via the UPS2-4,6,8,10,16,19

Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators Co-opt Cereblon to
Induce Degradation of Specific Target Proteins*

  • In disease, the UPS might not degrade proteins that underlie pathology, allowing such proteins to accumulate and disrupt normal cell function
  • Cereblon E3 ligase modulators work by co-opting a specific DCAF component of the E3 ligase complex, called cereblon, to target
    disease-implicated proteins
  • The mechanism of protein degradation is similar to normal protein homeostasis (shown above), with the exception
    of the cereblon E3 ligase modulator activity, which influences target protein interaction

*Light blue Y-shape: DDB1 (DNA damage binding protein 1); navy blue hammer shape:
CUL4A; note that components are not to scale.


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